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The office is vital, but needs to change

June 17, 2020

Office FiT Survey Results

The world of work is at the very heart of life for many people and recent events have had huge day-to-day implications for our engagement with work, the places where work happens and the organisations to which we belong.

Before the onset of Covid-19, as an industry we were focusing on key issues, all of which remain of paramount importance – the environmental emergency, the challenges in our communities around mental health and loneliness, new technologies which are fundamentally changing the ways in which we live and work, and changing attitudes to work and workplaces, particularly offices.

Alternative and flexible work strategies are not new and analysts and commentators have spent many years debating the evolution of corporate real estate. Covid-19 has augmented this process and sped up this thinking. This comprehensive survey, which has created hundreds and thousands of data points was compiled 5-6 weeks into the lockdown period.

Clearly there are industry sector and generational variations, but as part of the Office FiT programme at Savills, we have analysed the figures to ‘mine’ the key data points to add to and enlighten the on-going debate and to provide a genuine perspective of the future trends.

It is our intention to update this survey in the coming months so that we can cross reference the views at a different point in the cycle of the economic recovery from the effects of the pandemic.

Read more about the Office FiT Survey Results here

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